Quick Start for EcoCoder: How to Build Application Model

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  • #2948

    Shuhe Jiang
    • Ecotron

    Quick Start for EcoCoder: How to Build Application Model

    If customer doesn’t have an existing Simulink model, then they can use EcoCoder to create
    a quick model, then develop their control logic based on it.
    There’re two ways to create this quick model, first way is by typing commands in the
    command window, the other way is to create a new model.

    1. Create quick model by commands:
    a) Change the path to a folder except for MATLAB installation directory.
    b) Enter the command “EcoCoder_Prj (‘DemoTest’)” in the command window and press Enter, then a model named “DemoTest” and its related m files will be generated.

    c) Select “Simulation->EcoCoder Build Model” in menu bar to generate A2L files and
    executables (mot files or hex files).
    build model

    2. Create quick model by build a new model
    Quick model can be created by dragging EcoCoder Target Definition block into a new model.

    1. If some window pops up during compilation, don’t click them, they will be
    automatically closed after the compilation is completed.
    2. The quick model directory cannot be MATLAB installation directory. Otherwise, an
    error will pop up and the compilation process will fail.

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