EEPROM is part of data flash.
Data flash is a big part of the memory in the microcontroller. We do not have real EEPROM in our VCU so according to the customer requirements, they need EEPROM in the VCU and Ecotron thus developed the emulated EEPROM using data flash.
In EV2106B03, the emulated EEPROM has 3 blocks, and each block has a size of 16 K Bytes.
So, in total we have 48K bytes of memory to simulate EEPROM. The Record is the minimum data storage unit in emulated EEPROM.
Theoretically, the biggest Record size is 16K B, but it is not realistic to have such a big record since when processing the data in the record the data needs to be copied to the RAM of the micro first, while the RAM will not work with such a big data.
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