• Providing feedback and suggestions as engineering consulting services
• Customizing hardware and software that fits your budget and timeline

• System integrating and rapid troubleshooting by experienced engineers

• Flexibility on software development and releases
• Optimized hardware solutions in expedited timeline
Vehicle Control Unit (VCU) Customization
Can’t find an off-the-shelf VCU option that matches with your project requirements? Talk with our Ecotron engineering team today at info@ecotron.ai and let us know your specific requirements. We are experienced in VCU customization with affordable pricing and expedited timelines.
We offer VCU customizations with microprocessors from reliable semiconductor suppliers, such as Infineon TC275/297/TC377/TC399, NXP 56XX/57XX, and more.
Ecotron’s VCU products have been used in a wide range of applications, such as automotive chassis domain controller based on Infineon TC397/387, central gateway controller for electric and autonomous driving vehicles based on Infineon TC297, and fuel cell controller based on Infineon TC2xxx.
We designed our hardware with ISO26262 in mind and selected a microprocessor with the highest safety level-ASIL D, leveraging 3 levels of torque monitoring, hardware redundancy design and other functional safety development to ensure our hardware is capable of ASIL-C. Our products can be customized for AUTOSAR-based software architecture and OS development.
All the VCU units are ready for plug-and-play for model-based design on our software toolchain EcoCoder, EcoCAL and EcoFlash which are based on Matlab Simulink. Our goal is to make this process easier for our customers, as we implement the hardcoding in development and system integration calibration of application layer control strategy.
Contact info@ecotron.ai to learn more about our VCU customization capabilities.
Autonomous Driving Control Unit (ADCU) Customization
Ecotron also offers customization on the ADCU product lineup. We offer ADCU in processing platforms with strong computational power, such as Nvidia Xavier, Nvidia Orin, TI TDA4, Black Sesame, and more.
By choosing the microprocessor ASIL-C and ASIL-D, and leveraging functional safety design measures, our hardware is capable of ASIL-C and designed with ISO26262 in mind.
Contact info@ecotron.ai to learn more about our ADCU customization capabilities.
VCU/ADCU Control Strategy Development
Ecotron is capable of developing full-stack software. This can range from basic software, firmware, and application software for our customers. Our engineering team has delivered multiple software development projects to OEM and Tier 1 Suppliers.
Software control strategies are modeled and simulated in MATLAB Simulink, and they have built-in automatic code generation function. Our software is in line with CMMI development process, this is to ensure the ASIL standard requirements. The development process follows four steps of designing model for control system: analysis, modeling, simulation, and integration. MIL, SIL and HIL tests can run on the same control system platform.
In addition to this, we also offer on-site support for customers who need calibration and integration on the vehicle. Additional cost might be incurred, please reach out to our engineering team for more details and availability of on-site support in your area.
Contact info@ecotron.ai for control strategy development inquiries.